[<<|>>|10.08.06|17:40|Time flies when you're having fun!]

Her basket is getting a tad small for her, but doesn't she just look sweet all peacefully resting?

The second immunisation shots went a lot better than the first.

Kitchen's progressing well - I'm just uploading some pictures now, so soon you can see what's what and where. I wish I'd taken some pictures when the old kitchen was still in, but maybe it's best forgotten;) Anyways, the new electrics are in as is the new floor. The new plumbing is almost done, and the new windows and doors are all finished as well. Tomorrow, the builders will be putting together the units and this weekend the plasterer will be coming to - well - plaster. Then Monday, the right hand side of the kitchen will be installed and Tuesday and Wednesday the left hand side. Hopefully, by the end of next week I will have my much deserved new kitchen.

Can I just assure anyone who might be reading this that it's not a vanity issue - it wasn't a question of a "dated" kitchen or units that didn't quite suit my colour scheme - the kitchen was not only rotting away, soaked with dog poo and pee, it was actually dangerous. We had live wires sticking out of the wall, not to mention a screw holding the bracket to the radiator screwed into a live wire, making the bracket live! Also, the plumbing was - conspicious. The gas mad a water pipe stopper on it and the stop cock for the water was hidden behind the cooker - wherefore, in the past when we have had any plumbing done, we've had to disconnect the water supply for several properties in the street! Actually, I can't detail the issues the old kitchen had so anyone who hadn't actually lived it could fully appreciate the severity of the situation, so suffice it to say that the new kitchen is not merely a "replacement" - it is a completely "new" room. But anyways, I shall, as said, put some pictures together so you can follow the progress. Yay. YAY.

Mette, Kristian is having a little brother or sister, curtesy of his mum and her new beau. Yay.

How's Dennis warming to Thais?

My husband shall be home shortly and my baby's sleeping, so I better get her up, so we can go over the road to Nad's for dinner. Yeah, she's keeping us fed and doing our laundry 'till the kitchen is done.



Previous Co||ections:
[06.12.11|20:20|Some news... ]
[11.10.11|12:14|New Me, New Job, New Car]
[24.06.11|09:08|Surgery confession. ]
[19.06.11|17:01|Shame on me.]
[10.06.11|09:52|Further on my operation.]
