[<<|>>|08.10.07|12:51|Post Holiday Slightly Blues]

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I'm suffering some post holiday blues. I miss my husband and I miss my daughter. Raven was happy to be back at nursery and Adam says work's okay, but home is boring as always and that's not because I haven't got loads to do, but socially, I'm massively understimulated.

But I had a good holiday. It was nice to see good ole' Lufbra again.

Still getting quotes for windows from different companies. Who'd have thunk it'd be this much work to order some bloomin' windows, eh!? I really want to get stuck in, now, with the work. I can't paint and I cant' do heavy work either cos of Arthur in my belly, but I can strip wallpaper and it's something I don't mind doing either. Anything to get the work started and to be honest, there's loads to do.

Yesterday we went to see my mum. My dad's still in intensive care at hospital, so we met up with my mum there so she could take Raven to see him. She recognised him fine and was all smiles and giggles, which apparently cheered my father up, and that's no mean feat!

While Raven was visiting my dad, Adam andI went to buy paint. Spent over 1000 Dkr on paint! And that was the store brand options too, so not the most expensive stuff. We did chose kitchen-bathroom paint for almost all rooms, because it lasts longer and is a lot more "child friendly" - as in, it's wipeable. My mum took Raven with her to hers, so we met up there for really nice dinner. My brother was there too. He helped Adam lug some stuff to the new house - the new stove, exhaust fan and paints. The kitchen worktops are still in our shed, but I'd really rather have them at the house as well, cos I'm really worried they'll get damp out there.

Raven was in such a wonderful mood yesterday, just bimbling around at my mums absolutely relaxed and loving being with her grandma again. It was wondeful to see.

My belly is MASSIVE!

Better get to the shop for essentials before I go pick up Raven.



Previous Co||ections:
[06.12.11|20:20|Some news... ]
[11.10.11|12:14|New Me, New Job, New Car]
[24.06.11|09:08|Surgery confession. ]
[19.06.11|17:01|Shame on me.]
[10.06.11|09:52|Further on my operation.]
