[<<|>>|23.06.07|15:27|A Crappy Thursday...]

So, it�s Thursday evening. As always, husband has left for language school � he goes twice a week on a Tuesday and a Thursday leaving me to do everything that he normally does in the evening.

On this particular Thursday it had been very hot, so Raven was wearing nothing but a nappy. She doesn�t normally have a bath on a Tuesday or a Thursday, because her father is out, but during dinner, her whole body was covered in spaghetti bolognese, and I thought, heck, how hard can it be to bathe a baby � because she did need it.

So, I find the bath and fill it with water � not too hot, not too cold. So far, so good. Find the bath toys. Yep, done. Add a tiny drop of soap. Check. And then the baby in the water. She loves her bath, so no problem, she�s in. But why is she crouching? Sit down, child, you�ll fall over and drown yourself! I�m sure her father has never mentioned to me that she refuses to sit down. I sit her down but she gets up as fast as that again. Hm. So, I hold on to her and start to wash her. And then it happens. As much poo as I�ve ever seen come out of a baby came out just then. Raven, obviously bemused by her new brown bath toys try to catch them, and I�m in a complete flap with a naked, slippery, and pooing baby in my hands. I manage to get her out onto the floor, but she screams blue murder. Wasn�t quite ready to get out, I gather. I get the shower head with the hand that isn�t holding my screaming daughter covered in poo trying to re-enter the water whilst slipping around on the wet floor and somehow get the water turned on as well. And then I hose her down and wash her as best I can. She�s not happy � at all. Apparently she�s terrified of the shower head � husband also has never mentioned this!

Anyways, she�s sort of clean, and I get her dried, nappied, fed, and put to bed. Then I need to deal with the bathwater. Can�t really flush it down the plughole, though I�m tempted to try. The tub holds quite a lot of water � can I even lift it to dispose of the water down the loo? Well, I guess I�ve got to give it a try. So, I lift the tub � it�s not easy to balance � the water is making waves already. Not far to the loo � but too far. So, there it goes � 50 litres of poo-water all over the bathroom floor.

I vacate the room of everything, and start cleaning like I've never cleaned before. Again, shower comes in handy, as I can wash the whole room down with the hose and just before DH gets home at 9 p.m. the bathroom is sparkling, and, I hasten to add, completely poo-less.

�Did you have a nice evening?� husband asks.

Yeah, not bad...



Previous Co||ections:
[06.12.11|20:20|Some news... ]
[11.10.11|12:14|New Me, New Job, New Car]
[24.06.11|09:08|Surgery confession. ]
[19.06.11|17:01|Shame on me.]
[10.06.11|09:52|Further on my operation.]
